Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow
622 Goodyear Blvd. | Picayune, MS 39466 | (601) 798-4555 | Fax:(601)798-1346
Office of Exceptional Education
Director: Brannon Johnson, Ph.D.
Child Find Coordinator, Part C-B
Alyssia Dunham
Assessment Team Coordinator
Lenore Swanson
Positive Behavior Coach
Denise Peterson
Positive Behavior Coach
Heather Smith
Kit Saldiveri
Administrative. Assistant
Jacey (Grubbs) Barajas
Picayune School District Exceptional Education will host a public hearing on the proposed 2018-2019 IDEA Part B and Preschool Project Application to be held Monday, August 6, 2018 at 8:00 a.m. The hearing will be held at the Office of Exceptional Education located at 622 Goodyear Blvd. Diane Wise, Director of Exceptional Education, Dean Shaw, Superintendent, and School Board members.
Picayune School District Exceptional Education will host a public hearing on the proposed 2023- 2024 IDEA Part B and Preschool Project application to be held Thursday June 26, 2023 at 9:00am at the Exceptional Education Office located at 622 Goodyear Blvd. with Brannon Johnson, Director of Exceptional Education, Dean Shaw, Superintendent and School Board Members.
The Picayune School District continuously seeks to locate, identify, and evaluate children ages birth to twenty-one (21) years of age, who are physically, mentally, communicatively, and/or emotionally disabled. Referrals for testing of children with suspected disabilities may be made by contacting the child's teacher, principal, or the District Child Find Coordinator. The Coordinator for the Picayune School District is Dr. Brannon Johnson, Director of Exceptional Education. Please contact Dr. Johnson by calling 601-798-4555, or by writing to him at the Office of Exceptional Education, 622 Goodyear Blvd., Picayune, MS 39466.